RoPets Wiki

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RoPets Wiki

Diversity and Equality refers to the unity and general acceptance of all users regardless of their race, background, color, gender, sexuality, or other potentially sensitive topics, as well as fair treatment for all. These policies are heavily enforced by the staff team to ensure that every user feels comfortable while participating in editing or discussions on the RoPets Wiki.

Our Promises

  • No staff member will ever declare themselves as "superior" to other users.
    • Every user will be treated equally, regardless of their rank, and will be subject to transparent or internal punishment upon infracting policies.
  • We will never take away the freedom of speech or opinion from our community.
    • Human rights are not an opinion, they are a necessity. Any posts that infringe basic human rights and equality will be subject to severe consequences regardless of whether the poster conveys them as their own opinion or not. (view Human rights on Wikipedia)
    • All members of the community have the right to voice their opinion, suggest changes, and participate in the management part of the wiki as long as they do not get disruptive.
  • Nobody will ever be removed or accepted into a staff position on the basis of their race, religion, gender, background, or other similar criteria.
    • No reservation or reserved seats are available for users in the staff team. All users a part of the RoPets Wiki's staff team must be qualified and dedicated people.
    • Disruptive staff members will be dealt with either via a community or staff consensus. (view our User rights Policy)

Expectations from the Community

  • Homophobia, racial, religious, or ethnic intolerance or slurs will not be tolerated.
    • Users attempting to transmit discriminatory content will face harsh punishments.
  • We will not intentionally disrespect other users.
    • This point is explicitly but not only in reference to the usage of improper pronouns and/or gender identity for users even after having been asked not to do so.
    • A user that knows someone's preferred pronouns and has been asked several times to use them, yet still decides to use improper pronouns for either a laugh or other reasons, is unacceptable.
    • Everyone must be treated like an individual; a single person or their experiences must never represent an entire country or community. Any users that try to imply that a certain community is "bad" or shame the community on the basis of their experiences will be looked down upon.


The RoPets Wiki aims at being inclusive of everyone regardless of their demographics.


Users that are a part of the LGBTQIA+ will be treated fairly and equally on the wiki, like any other human should be. Any preposterous behavior against a member of the LGBTQIA+ community will be dealt with and users spreading such content will not be let off. There are a few key points that wiki users are expected to abide by to ensure that no member a part of the LGBT community feels threatened whilst on the wiki.

  • No user may be treated unfairly on the basis of their sexuality.
    • Humans should be treated like humans, no exceptions.
  • The terms "gay", "lesbian", "transgender", or "non-binary" should never be used as insults or in a comedic way.
    • This is highly offensive in nature to those that may have these certain sexualities.
  • They/Them should be used as the pronouns when a user does not specify their preferred pronouns.
    • It is generally good practice to ask someone for their preferred pronouns as soon as users get a chance to do so to avoid offending them.
  • Homophobia is prohibited.
    • Any user that is homophobic towards people with a certain sexuality, and claims it to be their own opinion. will not be let off. Humans rights are not an opinion.
  • Do not leak someone's sexual identity without their consent.


Fandom is home to a diverse community, where people from all around the world come together to carry out discussions and add information to wikis relating to their favorite games, movie shows, etc. As such, no member may be discriminated on the basis of their background, creed, race, religion, ethnicity, or color.

  • Users may not joke about someone's ethnicity.
    • This refers to members that try to shame another member just because they belong to a certain ethnicity.
  • Racial stereotypes and other various stereotypes that promote illicit behavior on the wiki may not be shared.
